This was so satisfying to listen to !
And u kno the Dream remx is comng :3
This was so satisfying to listen to !
And u kno the Dream remx is comng :3
Im waiting for it :D
Whoa friend you're producing fast !
And this is beyond awesome !
You definitely have to go to Hollywood and produce soundtracks while spreading that awesome philosophy !
(by the way, I analyzed a bit your thoughts and I think philosopher Jacques Derrida may interest you, you outta take a quick look =D)
Second music and yet so much details !
Thanks man ! Happy you enjoyed it
Well I'm not into metal, but I'll try anyway ! =3
Melodies :
The good thing is you managed to create various and complex melodies, with multiple variations ! You have creativity on this point. I like how you turned a rather "peaceful" melody (0:00) into something hardcore (0:24).
But I don't like them. Your legitimate reaction would be wondering why I'm taking off half a star for something entirely subjective. Well if I don't like them, there's a reason. I, probably, wouldn't be the only one to dislike the melodies : this is because they lack in identity. What does that mean ? Well it's like you put notes together without really knowing where you were going. It doesn't really has a sense. Consequence : we forget the melody, it's actually not... "good" enough.
When you write a melody, I may be wrong (tell me if so), but you're supposed to seek for beauty or epicness, and I can't feel any of these. I don't pretend to be a good artist or something like that, but I think my solid point is my melodies. Try to take a look to see how you're supposed to write something memorable (Atomic's melody is maybe my best one, go and see, then become a God).
Instruments :
0:24 and 1:55 : omagad this is too much left-panned !
Apart from that, perfect. Both calm (0:00 and 2:57) and heavy guitar sounds really good, thanks to that awesome cocooning bass. I love what you did with the drums (0:35, 1:06 : oh wow gah orgasm). The panning is great too, for example at the whole beginning, when you switch the pans (0:11), it flows really well.
Well there's not a lot of instrument so I can't tell much, but it's really nice mate.
Personality :
I love how you reused 0:23's structure at 1:55. It's very interesting. And the title is great ! X)
Apart from that, unfortunately, like I said earlier, due to those unmemorable melodies, well it's not incredible. I don't like to say that because I can feel the amount of work you put into this, but it drowns into every other song without being able to distinguish itself. You need to find a proper melody and it'll be awesome !
Melodies : 1,5/2
Instruments : 2/2
Personality : 0,5/1
Apart from this melody problem, it's really great mate ! By the way I'm strict in the review's score because the aim is to make the artist progress, but of course, in overall, it's worth a 5 friend (that's why I rated 5 in the song's score). Just take a look, as I suggested, at my melodies (it's not advertising, I'm serious toward the quality of them - even if I'm totally bragging) and you'll make awesome tracks !
Much love. <3
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you took the time to dive deep into each part of the song and its how it affects the listener! Some of my friends have told me the same thing about my "melodies" so they are definitely something I'll put some hard practice into.
I'm glad you brought up the panning. I never thought of the loud guitars being panned too much but you are right. I can definitely see how the quiet parts are easier on the listener, but the loud guitar definitely should have but just panned slightly until the other one came in.
I am not a drummer. (at least not a good one) I'm just happy they didn't get the red pen all over them!
Again, thank you for the advice! I will definitely check out your music and see what I can learn and if I can give you any help.
Hello friend ! =3
Melodies :
Now I know you're capable of making melodies, I heard one in This Is The End, so you ought to add one to your track. I'm sorry but there is just none. There's a sound effect, and then there's the dubstep moment, but the non-dubstep parts in dubstep musics are meant to be for melodies. You should work on one, that will remain Dinosaurs' melody.
Instruments :
The sound effect at the beginning is great mate, but it's played too many times. It's like you found a cool effect, and you wanted to show us how great it is for 28 seconds. Both your kick and your snare are too weak, you should higher their volume. The transition with the voice at 0:28 seems inappropriate : it's about dinosaurs, there can't be humans. Your mixing is okay, but try to vary your dubstep effects.
Personality :
The track suffers from a lack of melodies and of variations. Without melodies, the track looses a huge part of what it should be, because melodies are maybe the most important things in music. Without a melody, we can't remember this track forever, and this is what you should be aiming for.
Melodies : 0/2
Instruments : 1/2
Personality : 0/1
Sorry for the low score, I'm really not trying to make you angry, just trying to help ! I'm sure you'll continue progressing. =)
I'm guessing you haven't heard much riddim/darkstep? Some of it does lack melody. I am capable of a melody, yes. But this type of music doesn't use much of one.
Where did you hear a sound effect at the beginning? That's a bass instrument and sub bass lol.
I thought I should've brought the volume up on the drums but every time I raise them I get feedback saying it's not necessary for them to be loud and when I lower them I get feedback saying they need to be louder. I guess I'll need to play around with the mixer.
Sound bytes usually have nothing to do with the title of the song. If you listen to brostep as much as I, you would realize they're polar opposites of one another. There could be humans, Jurassic Park? XD I could add a dinosaur clip on the second transition, I'll just have to find one.
For the sake of your feedback, I'll at least try a melody or chords.
Thanks for the feedback though, it's always helpful to get mixed opinions.
X, I luv u !
And all hail Alan Watts ! :3
You're the one.
Uh... 5TanLey... I love you so much... <3
Melodies :
Wow those first two chords make me think about Future Imperfect ! 0o
This is truly one of the best beginning I've ever heard ! ^^
To be honest, I think you're really good at creating melodies, but you don't use that gift enough ! I mean the melodies in this track are great : complex and everything... but you don't put forward any particular melody. And that's my problem. I don't know if it's subjective or something, but to me, the goal is to make your listener remember of your track. To do that, you got the Melodies, the Instruments and the Personality. If we look at your melodies in this track, they are diversified, and that's great. But among the diversity of the melodies, you need to create one particular melody to your track. If I take for example Future Imperfect (which was not entirely good on this point either, but way better), the main melody was the one played by that kind of guitar at 0:24, 0:36, 0:42, 0:45, 2:02, 2:08 and 3:27. Those three notes. That's a thing I still remembered several weeks after ! *_*
But in That Weed Girl, as I said, there are good melodies, but not a particular one. You need to build a melody to your track with which you'll make us say "Ow ! That's A Weed Girl !" when we hear it ! Y'know ? =3
Instruments :
Whoaaaaa... this piano sounds sooo good mate ! *_*
I don't think I have anything to say on the instruments, the mixing is really great, the vocals are not my type, but they fit really well with the part after 0:52, just as that synthesizer at 1:03 and 2:10. The drums help the track to be even faster, which is exactly what it needed to be (with a name like that) ! =D
Personality :
There's a pretty okay personality too, despite the lack of main melody. I just have two minor problems. The first one is the mood of the track completely change at 0:52. It starts with something really dreamy and kinda sad, to turn into something happy. Maybe it's because of those ultra-fast drums. I don't know if that's what you wanted, but I don't think the part before 0:52 fits with the part after 0:52. Then, well it's really minor, but the ending is pretty... "normal", it's almost like a fading away, which is honestly the death of originality ! =3
Melodies : 1,5/2
Instruments : 2/2
Personality : 0,5/1
In overall, I like your tracks so much that it's really hard to find some things you could improve on (I rated 4 on the review, but 5 in the track's score) ! ^^
These are my highly-subjective thoughts, so I might not be right, you'll decide of that ! Well done anyway ! ;)
ha gay :P
yeah I use like 5 chords over and over again, only different scales
the main melody is played by the piano, but in the end it got mixed into oblivion a bit
and my mind set on the outro was like "fuck this", so I did only fade-out with some flanger
thx for the REVIEW, you are one of the rare newgrounders who write more than 1-2 lines :)
Ow that's me ! Thanks pal, this was so satisfying ! <3