Hello working mate ! <3
Melodies :
The melodies are reaaally well worked ! This is amazing how you could create different complex melodies and fit them well together like at 0:39 !
Instruments :
Good instruments and mixing too ! In fact I don't really have anything to say as the instrumentalisation is perfectly chosen and the mix is awesome ! I particularly loved the beginning and the powerful 1:02 !
Personality :
Here we have the only problem of this great track : a little lack of personality ! I mean I don't think we can clearly remember this track forever : it's not unforgettable and that's the thing ! I think the melodies are too weak. They need to be more "pronounced", more powerful ! It's not a matter of complexity but of production ! You have to try building a legendary aspect on your main melody. Like making a powerful buildup and an amazing drop just before it arrives for example !
Melodies : 2/2
Instruments : 2/2
Personality : 0,5/1
Amazing work ! Your skills are really flawless : you only need to work on your structure for a better personality ! :3